Thursday, September 20, 2012

Foot Print Project (^-^)

For my first project, I was given the task of describing everything that I have done, or that has influenced me, in a visual way. So, thinking upon this, I was given the idea of doing a foot print, and putting in it the things that describe, and have made me, well, me.

Given this great idea, I traced then cut out my foot print on construction paper.  I found the things that I felt represented me, and put them inside of it. I made sure they were important things, things that described my core interests and personality.
Here are the steps in which I took to make "my foot print":

Step 1:    Think about what makes, or has made you who you are  
    This should include the major influence of childhood through adult hood. It's  an    introduction to who you are.  They should be your most important parts of your life. Be sure to include your name!

Step 2:   Trace and cut out your foot, or shoe print.
      If you have small feet, you can use both if need be. Doesn't matter if it's your left or right foot.

Step 3  Use 3 or more different media to represent yourself.
            You can use ink, paint, crayons, fabric...endless media. But a minimum of 3 so you learn about the uses of the different media.

           This activity would be useful to use in a teaching environment, because it not only encourages a child to really think about themselves, but what makes them special. It can promote self-esteem, allow shyer students to express themselves, and gives you, as the teacher, a valuable incite about what your student's interests and life is like. It can be a valuable tool to use in figuring
out how to teach not only the students as a group, but the individuals as well. It can lead to a better understanding about how to teach your students, in accordance to their types of learning.

An extension exercise this would be useful for, would be to ask how their summer vacation went, or their proudest moment. This type of project would have many uses and benefits.
                                                                  (^o^)  (^v^) (^-^) 

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