Wednesday, December 12, 2012


For this project, we used air dry clay to make flower bowls inspired by Vincent Van Gogh, and Georgia O'Keeffe. We had a quick slide show learning about their art, then went through the steps of working clay and their tools. We had the option of painting our piece or not. Then, we wrote about what inspired us ,and who.

"The artist who inspired me is Vincent Van Gogh.
He inspired me with his beautiful paintings of
sunflowers." -Amber Couch

Class Display box

Extension Exercise:
I would have students make pinch pots and decorate them
in a Ntive American motif, so that I can incorporate history into the lesson.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The craft project assignment was to make a spring time picture, using various techniques.  We mixed tempera paint into pastel colors (tints) and used our hands to create bushes or stems.  We then used cup cake tins for flowers. Also, we filled sandwich bags full of primary colored tissue paper and pipe cleaners to make a butterfly.  We then arranged these things in a balanced composition.

Finished Spring Craft Project

Practice  piece

Class Display

Extension Activity:
I would use this activity along side with a children's book, such as an Eric Carlson book, so that they can depict what may happen next in the story. (Or as a literature project)

Many Different Faces

This project was made from construction paper and
some found objects.  The assignment was to create a 3D mask
using the scoring and curling paper techniques (achieved by using
an xacto knife or scissors). The mask had to have paper going off its edges.
    We also had to write a short paragraph describing our mask.

"Serina the fish loves to swim.
  She lives in the ocean, and is part of a school of fish.
Serina and her school of fish live in a coral reef, and eat sea anemone."

Extension Exercise:
 I would use this to teach about the significance of masks in various cultures and what some symbols mean for each culture.

Notan Collage

Notan Collage

For this lesson, we looked at the Notan collage technique, which
emphasises balance and high contrast.  This project used a 10X10 square
of one color, and a 5X5 square of its complimentary or contrasting
color. The assignment was to convey an emotion  using line quality, rectilinear
and curvilinear lines.  Then, the student was to write three or more line poem describing
the emotion they were to convey.

My Notan Example: Confusion
" 'Round and 'round my thoughts go
In which direction, I don't know
Where they'll stop time will show
Where exactly my thought roam."

Class Display of Notan Project
Extension Activity:   I would use this technique to teach children about Matisse and how he used paper to create collages,

Sandpaper Print Making

For this project, we used crayons and sandpaper to create multiple images.
We sketched a design with crayon on paper, then drew the final design
Top: sandpaper.  Bottom: print

Class Display of Project

on a square of sandpaper, pushing hard.
Then we used an iron to melt the crayon onto paper,
creating multiple images.

 Extension Activity:

I would use this activity to go along
with an art history lesson, about
 Toulouse Lautrec's print making.

Illustrating Gestures

In this activity, we used transparencies to
draw the expressions of our classmate's
face to create a short story. We used these
transparencies as templates to trace
onto paper with a crayon (with the use
of a light table, or window).
We then used complimentary colors
to create a background, and wrote a short story.
                                                              Finished gestural drawing
"Miss lady noticed a strange smell.  She went and looked for it.  Miss Lady found it. It was her brother's gym bag."


Class Project Board

Extension Activity:
I would have students draw a tree or some nature scene out side, and then have them
try to color it in complimentary colors, making sure to incorporate high contrast.

Silhouette Art


This activity used water color techniques to create a background, and construction paper to make a middle and foreground. The lesson taught different brush and texture techniques, which were helpful in making a background. We then cut out silhouettes to create the middle and foreground. 

Brush and Texture Techniques
                                                    My finished silhouette composition
The Class Project Board

Extension Activity:
I would have students cut out a silhouette of
themselves or of a historic figure and paint
a background of what they may
have seen to inspire them into action.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hidden Safari

This project uses warm colors to hide a cool color design with in it.
First you would draw a design in sky blue color pencil, then draw  repetitive designs over it with warm colors, such as yellow, red, and orange. 
 You have to make sure you don't draw too hard with the sky blue pencil, otherwise the design will show through.
Next, we cut out a frame of glasses from construction paper, then taped red cellophane on them to make some glasses, or goggles. When you look at your design through the red paper, the red cellophane will drown out all the warm colors, and your cool color design will pop out.

Extension Activity:

I would have the students write a short poem to describe an object or picture, and then have the students try to guess what it is. The answer would be the hidden design.