Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hidden Safari

This project uses warm colors to hide a cool color design with in it.
First you would draw a design in sky blue color pencil, then draw  repetitive designs over it with warm colors, such as yellow, red, and orange. 
 You have to make sure you don't draw too hard with the sky blue pencil, otherwise the design will show through.
Next, we cut out a frame of glasses from construction paper, then taped red cellophane on them to make some glasses, or goggles. When you look at your design through the red paper, the red cellophane will drown out all the warm colors, and your cool color design will pop out.

Extension Activity:

I would have the students write a short poem to describe an object or picture, and then have the students try to guess what it is. The answer would be the hidden design.

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